Kimberly's Notebook

On-Line Blog and Written Works

The beginning of a New Year

We all wish to start a new year with good intentions and a set plan. Sometimes we begin with enthusiasm and commitment. Then life becomes complex, busy and time seems to run out.
This year marks the beginning of a new decade.
It literally feels like a page in my book of life has finally turned and I am setting sail in the vas t unknown of an open sea. The last four and a half years have left me at the mercy of my grief. With the calendar marking a new decade it stimulates my thought process to shift into new possibilities, renewed vision and determination that I can do whatever it is I deem valuable and crucial in grounding myself and beginning a new quest with renewed strength. I can do it. I am also not doing it alone because the support of my loved ones who have passed is still with me and coming from a much deeper place. I simply need to trust the process.
With that I continue to balance the work Red Echo has provided with my personal growth.
We continue to strive for quality and excellence. We move forward with utmost respect and appreciation for our purpose and especially for the individuals, families, communities and agencies we work for.
My associates are my children and I continue to send them out on missions as the calls come in. I have the utmost faith and believe in them as they carry the values and visions of their late father.

I continue to trust Creator will take us where he needs us. The year 2020 is the beginning of a new decade and I continue to strengthen the foundation of my home, my family and my practice.
May the new year bless you and carry you through this next decade on the wings of your prayers and may all you pray for become a reality.

Mylan Murdo