
Life Skills Coach/Facilitator training has assisted me immensely in my life and career. Life Skills has provided me with valuable problem-solving tools to assist myself and to assist my clients in effective resolution issues. I greatly value my Life Skills Training.
— Eleanore Sunchild
Children are precious and each needs prevention, intervention, guidance, and direction to lead a life of purpose free from intergenerational legacies that are not theirs to carry forward.  I was looking for tools to address the long-standing multi-generational impacts of living in oppressed conditions upon our homelands. I enrolled as a learner with Red Echo Associates this past year and immediately recognized the utility and applicability of tools derived from Life Skills training.  Life Skills imparts counselling skills, group facilitation skills, knowledge of the larger picture of historical interferences upon our lives and establishes an environment of safety so as to look inward and successfully unpack our own unresolved grief; skills essential to being effective with children in schools but currently lacking in pre-service teacher education. In my current practise as an educational consultant, being a Life Skills coach has improved my capacity to reach and engage with the people I serve. Emotional intelligence now has a place in all workshops I facilitate and has improved my capacity to be compassionate and present to those within my sphere of relationships.  Within my spheres of influence, I advocate for school authorities and pre-service teacher education to make space for pre-service teachers, teachers in schools and support staff to receive Life Skills coach training. Indeed, Life Skills coaches are needed everywhere in First Nations’ homes, schools, and workplaces.
— Dr. Diana Steinhauer, Saddle Lake Cree Nation
I am forever thankful for this training. The content, models and theories will give me the tools and awareness to help clients, my own groups, friends and family, my relationships and myself (body, mind and spirit.) I have already started to use this in my personal life and workplace. I will continue to do so for the rest of my life.
— Mario Auger, Oteenow Employment and Training Society

I am fortunate to have been a recipient of Red Echo’s Life Skills Coach training. Although I don’t formally work in a counselling setting, the communication skills I learned through Red Echo have helped me be more sensitive when discussing difficult social issues in the media. Their training is culturally relevant and opens your eyes to the unique dynamics at play in the indigenous community. I attribute much of my own personal and professional growth to teachings from Red Echo’s training.

Abel Charles
Cree Broadcaster
MBC Radio

Renee Nepoose /Samson Cree Nation

Summary of Life Skills Facilitator Training

I really enjoyed this training that was offered over the last five months. I’ve taken facilitator training before but not with this much insight into counselling. I found the skills we learned to be very beneficial in our line of work. Being a civil servant in the social wellness in our area comes with many challenges when working with our clients. The life skills structure and tools throughout have given me the ability to coach clients through their self-process and move them toward independent problem solving.

I really enjoyed learning how to properly put together a presentation that delivers the objectives in a format that is easy to teach others in a group. The first few weeks in learning the structure, I found a confidence in my ability to share and guide others in their process. We were shown how to create a safe and respectful space that allowed us to process each other. This allowed us to learn how to handle different scenarios through real life experience. Learning the constructive criticism through options and invitation is a tool I plan to use in my own personal experiences. I believe this allows for healthier communication in all areas of our lives.

The one model that really stood out for me was the Human Drama Triangle as it is very relatable and I understood where I would fall into certain areas throughout my daily process. I found it more beneficial in learning to recognize being on the triangle and developing skills on how to get off the triangle. Identifying that in myself allows me to understand and recognize when clients are on the triangle. With the problem-solving model we can support our clients in self-process and get them off the triangle.

Throughout the training we would review the previous week which always brought us back into the group method of thinking. I prepared us for the work week ahead. With Circle checks we could identify where the group was and how we can support each other throughout our training. This was absolutely tested as one of our colleges went through a horrible experience. With the support of our group, our instructors, and the tools she learned, I feel that it assisted in her grief processing and healing.

Overall, I feel that I’ve gained a lot of valuable tools that I can use in many areas of my life, both professionally and personally. I look forward to putting this new skill to use and adding to the healing of others in our communities.